
[SOLVED] How to get a user's team(s)?

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6 Aug, 2023, 15:05

I'm looking at the documentation which is very close to what I need, but I want to be able to get a list of the teams a user belongs to, basically I want to be able to supply it with a user ID and it will give me a list of the teams for that user:

const promise = teams.list(userId);

Is this possible?

There is a solution for getting a user's team(s). You can use the Users API on the server-side by creating a function in your appwrite console that utilizes the `users.listMemberships('[USER_ID]')` resource. This will allow you to retrieve a list of teams for a specific user. Make sure to check the Users API documentation and the guide to Appwrite Functions for more details. The reference for executing functions from the client-side is also provided.
6 Aug, 2023, 15:29

Not with the client SDK. You could however use the Users API to do exactly this on the server-side.

You'll have to create a function in your appwrite console that uses the users.listMemberships('[USER_ID]') resource to do this.

Users API: Reference for users.listMemberships: Guide to Appwrite Functions: Reference for executing functions from the client-side:

6 Aug, 2023, 15:47

Thank you! That works!

6 Aug, 2023, 16:04

Will be marking this as solved, but feel free to come back and ask any questions if you face problems 😁

6 Aug, 2023, 16:05

[SOLVED] How to get a user's team(s)?


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