
Found 5000+ results.

[AppwriteException: Network request failed]

endpoint is giving me this error across all of my expo projects right now. Every project was working perfectly fine until last night

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Query Limitation to < 100 items

I am building a Flutter Application using AppWrite as my main backend. I have it self-hosted using docker. Currently, I am on version 1.5.7 because this was available when I started. In my Application...

  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
  • Databases

[AppwriteException: Network request failed]

I am getting this error whenever I run getAllSchools I have checked the entire project and I have CRUD permissions enabled for any role but I am still getting this error

  • React Native
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Appwrite Cloud is a trojan, says Malwarebytes

Since today, my Malwarebytes doesn't let me connect to appwrite cloud anymore. I try to connect from my own (WIP) website and the connections seem to all be fine. Just Malwarebytes doesn't like them. ...

  • Web
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How to do order by on REST?

I want to do order `queries[]={"method": "orderAsc", "values": ["$id"]}` This parameter is correct? Cause nothing happened

  • Databases
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Application error: a client-side exception has occurred

I just deployed my first project to Vercel but im having some issues. The homepage loads up fine but going to login im hit with the title error... I initialize the appwrite client with env variables ...

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I'm trying to override the APPWRITE_FUNCTION_API_ENDPOINT variable set to localhost/v1 on my local appwrite instance. I've tried a functions/.env file as stated in

  • Self Hosted
  • Functions

domain verification failed

before 5 days i have added information but still verification is failed what will i do

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Email OTP

Hello! I'm trying to have email verification OTP in my sign-up but i get this error OTP Verification Failed: Account creation failed: AppwriteException: User (role: guests) missing scope (account). wh...

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I'm receiving this error: "Internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Number: 52"

I'm receiving this error "Internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Number: 52 Error Code: 500" multiple times. Sometimes the function is executed correctly and most of the time it f...

  • Functions

User (role: guests) missing scope (account)

1) Navigate to and login 2) Navigate to your account ( 3) Click the "Logout" button on the page and I receive the fol...

  • Tools
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Query.orderAsc or Query.orderDesc does not include unset values?

Query.orderAsc or Query.orderDesc does not include unset values? I would love to be able to sort by an attribute, but also include missing (null) values at the bottom of the list since it cannot be s...

  • General

Realtime connection with authenticated session

I'm trying to get a realtime connection set up in Next.js, in a client side component for "chats." I have tested my code with a collection that has "any" read permissions, and everything works well th...

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  • Realtime

Programmatically schedule a function via function triggered by event?

I want to schedule a one-off function whenever a document is created in a certain collection. I know I can trigger a function via events. But I don't need to execute immediately after the event is fir...

  • Functions

getting {"name":"AppwriteException","code":0,"type":"","response":""} on operations via node

Hey, so im running a express node server and im trying to delete/upload files over it, await storage.deleteFile( process.env.APPWRITE_BUCKET_ID as string, player.statsProfile.playe...

  • Self Hosted
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  • Storage

How appwrite functions actually work how to trigger those functions from client side

**here is the client side code ** const handleSubmit = async () => { console.log("Form submitted:", { landlordId, tenantDetails, selectedProperty, selectedUnit, }); ...

  • React Native
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I need help to upload file (Image) through Cloud Function. (Node js)

I need help to upload file (Image) through Cloud Function. Now i receive an error message, ""error": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Symbol(Symbol.asyncIterator)')" with base64 techniqu...

  • Self Hosted
  • Functions

backup The current user is not authorized

hi i get it error to the restore backup. the user session not work

  • Self Hosted

CORS error in Firefox (Chrome works)

For my Cloud project with Next.js,I am getting CORS errors when attempting createDocument(), but in Chrome it all works fine: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading th...

  • Databases
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Help: No data shown in dashboard

Hey folks, I am using appwrite for more than a year now with a decent amount of active users. Everything works, but the dashboard shows no data at all. Can someone help me to fix it?

  • Self Hosted
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await cookies() error

A few Minutes ago my colleague and I got the same cookies() error. Strangely there wasn`t any commit from our side our anyone else. First error: Error: Route "/" used `cookies().get('appwrite-sessio...

  • Web

Multiple Hostname in appwrite

I need to connect 2 hostname (localhost and * while adding a web app on appwrite cloud, but it only accepts one hostname either localhost or vercel! Is it possible to use Multiple Hostname...

  • Web
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Sign in with Apple + SwiftUI application

I am trying to add Sign in with Apple to my app. I added the AppID, Service ID, etc in the developer's portal. I also configured the Appwrite to enable the Sign in with Apple service. I used the Servi...

  • Apple

Server Update Document

Hello how do I get the user session if it's not directly from a user? const sdk = require('node-appwrite'); const client = new sdk.Client() .setEndpoint('') // Your ...

  • Databases
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Deno Runtime v1.6.0

(Separate post requested by <@1087889306208718959>) Is there any way to run the deno runtimes on 1.6.0 or well replace the versions with something different to get them to run? I saw that openruntim...

  • Self Hosted

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