Start with Web

Learn how to add Appwrite to your web apps.


Create project

Head to the Appwrite Console.

Create project screen

Create project screen

If this is your first time using Appwrite, create an account and create your first project.

Then, under Add a platform, add a Web app. The Hostname should be localhost or the domain on which you're hosting your web app.

Add a platform

Add a platform

You can skip optional steps.


Install Appwrite

You can install the Appwrite Web SDK using a package manager.

npm install appwrite@14.0.1

You can also add the Appwrite Web SDK using CDN by adding a script tag to your HTML file. The SDK will be available globally through the Appwrite namespace.

<script src=""></script>

Initialize Appwrite

If you installed via npm, you can import Client and Account from the Appwrite SDK.

import { Client, Account } from 'appwrite';

export const client = new Client();

    .setProject('<PROJECT_ID>'); // Replace with your project ID

export const account = new Account(client);
export { ID } from 'appwrite';

If you're using CDN, the library loads directly in your browser as a global object, so you access it through Appwrite instead of imports.

const client = new Appwrite.Client()

    .setProject('<PROJECT_ID>') // Replace with your project ID

export const account = new Appwrite.Account(client)
export const databases = new Appwrite.Databases(client)

Using TypeScript

If you prefer TypeScript, you can import TypeScript models from the Appwrite SDK.

// appwrite.ts

import { Client, Databases, Account } from "appwrite";
// Import type models for Appwrite
import { type Models } from 'appwrite';

const client: Client = new Client();

    .setProject('<PROJECT_ID>'); // Replace with your project ID

export const account: Account = new Account(client);
export const database: Databases = new Databases(client);

// You then use the imported type definitions like this
const authUser: Models.Session = await account.createEmailPasswordSession(email, password);

Extending TypeScript models

Sometimes you'll need to extend TypeScript models with your own type definitions.

For example, when you fetch a list of documents from a collection, you can define the expected structure of the documents like this.

interface Idea extends Models.Document {
    title: string;
    description: string;
    userId: string;

When you fetch documents, you can use this new Idea interface like this.

const response = await database.listDocuments(
    [Query.orderDesc("$createdAt"), Query.limit(queryLimit)]
const ideas = response.documents as Idea[];

All set

The Appwrite SDK works with your favorite Web frameworks.

Learn to use Appwrite by adding authentication to a simple web app.

Learn to use Appwrite by building an idea tracker app.