
I am trying to figure out how to authenticate in dotnet with the sdk

  • 1
  • Android
  • Accounts
  • Web
22 Jul, 2023, 14:56

I am using C# (dotnet) and the sdk gives a way to create a user, gives a way to get the users list and I can see the user I created and the hashed password, but I have no way to verify the user or actually authenticate and get a session as far as I can see. It is all not documented very well, Can someone please help me understand what I need to do for authentication here?

The user is trying to authenticate in dotnet using the SDK. They are having trouble finding the right scope to make REST calls and are also unable to authenticate and get a session using the SDK. They mention that the dotnet SDK nuget is missing some authentication related methods. They are looking for help and a better understanding of how to authenticate with the SDK. Solution: Unfortunately, there is no solution provided in the support thread.
22 Jul, 2023, 14:59

It seems like the dotnet SDK nuget is missing a lot of the authentication related methods mentioned in tutorials.

22 Jul, 2023, 22:25

The dotnet SDK is a server SDK. For more information on the difference between a client and server SDK, see

23 Jul, 2023, 01:10

Okay, Well I tried to authenticate via graphql and rest, but I get an ecxception about some long named service user account and it says User Application is Missing Scope public. I have looked all throught the web ui and cant find where to give the right scope so that I can make rest calls.

23 Jul, 2023, 02:06

What exactly did you do and what exactly was the error?

23 Jul, 2023, 02:22

I'll have to post it tomorrow when I pull my code back up. I will let you know then, thanks for helping, I am trying to adapt AppWrite instead of starting with firebase for a project which will be used in production, so I really want to figure this out and not have to switch to something else because I like the design, I just wish there was more c# support...


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