
Delete an Account

  • 0
  • Auth
  • Web
  • Cloud
13 Jan, 2025, 19:20

How can I remove users from my React web app?. There is a section that users have a "Delete account" option, but I don't know what to use to do it πŸ˜…

Developers: To delete an account in a React web app, you can allow users to change their status and then use a cleanup cloud function to delete users marked for deletion. You will need a server-side SDK with the necessary permissions to fully delete a user account. Check out the documentation here: This will guide you on how to implement account deletion in your app.
13 Jan, 2025, 19:25
13 Jan, 2025, 19:25

If you want to fully delete the account you will have to use a server side sdk with an api key that has permissions to delete accounts.

13 Jan, 2025, 19:30

On the "web sdk" there isn't an "Users" class to delete users. It's necessary to have a "server sdk" to do?

13 Jan, 2025, 19:32

Yes, to fully delete a user you will have to use the server side sdk with an api key that has permissions.

13 Jan, 2025, 19:33

You could let the user change their status, and then create a cleanup cloud function that runs periodically deleting any users marked for deletion.


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