
AppwriteException: User (role: guests) missing scope (account) How do i solve this issue

  • 0
  • React Native
  • Auth
  • Databases
  • Web
8 Jan, 2025, 11:11

Please how do i solve this issue?

Below is my code

export const createUser = async (username, email, password) => { try { const newAccount = await account.create( ID.unique(), email, password, username );

if (!newAccount) throw Error;

const avatarUrl = avatars.getInitials(username);

await databases.createDocument(

    accountId: newAccount.$id,
    email: email,
    username: username,
    avatar: avatarUrl,

await signIn({ email, password });
return { status: true };

} catch (error) { console.log(error); } };

export const signIn = async ({ email, password }) => { try { const session = await account.createEmailPasswordSession(email, password); if (!session) throw Error("Failed to create session");

return { status: true };

} catch (error) { throw Error(error); } };

export const getCurrentUser = async () => { try { const user = await account.get(); console.log(user.$id);

if (!user) return null;

const result = await getUser({ accountId: user.$id });

if (!result) return null;

return result;

} catch (error) { throw error; } };

export const getUser = async ({ accountId }) => { console.log(accountId);

try { const currentUser = await databases.listDocuments( config.databaseId, config.userCollectionId, [Query.equal("accountId", accountId)] );

if (!currentUser) return null;

return currentUser.documents[0];

} catch (error) { throw error; } };

NB : I have tried all the solutions outlined but no positive outcome.

Issue: User (role: guests) missing scope (account) error when trying to upload a profile photo using Appwrite and React Native. Solution: 1. Check if permissions are correctly handled in your dashboard and ensure the right permissions are assigned for the database collection. 2. Make sure to configure permissions properly. 3. Revisit the code to ensure all necessary permissions are in place. 4. Verify if the account has the correct permissions and scopes for the required action. Note: Despite trying the suggested solutions, the error persists, and no response has been received from the Appwrite support team.
8 Jan, 2025, 11:18

Check permission is correctly handled in your dashboard, you have given correct perms for the database collection

8 Jan, 2025, 11:30

I've done that already but still getting the error

8 Jan, 2025, 11:47

I get this error countless times, because I always forget to assign right perms to any/ miss to configure something. I too stuck with appwrite + react native, upload file to bucket for profile photo isn't working, and no one is replying to my support ticket.


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