
I'm developing a CLI application using Node.js

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27 Dec, 2024, 07:10

I'm developing a CLI application using Node.js and the node-appwrite package, but I'm encountering an error

import { Client, Account, ID } from 'node-appwrite';

const client = new Client()

const account = new Account(client);

async function createAccount() {
    const data = await account.create(ID.unique(), '', '123456789', 'John Doe');
    console.log('Account created:', data);

async function login() {
    const data = await account.createEmailPasswordSession('', '123456789');
    console.log('Session created:', data);

async function getAccount() {
    const data = await account.get();
    console.log('Account:', data);


The error occurs when calling getAccount(), and the error message is:

AppwriteException: User (role: guests) missing scope (account)
code: "401"

full error

3 | export { Query } from './query.mjs';
4 |
5 | // src/client.ts
6 | var AppwriteException = class extends Error {
7 |   constructor(message, code = 0, type = "", response = "") {
8 |     super(message);
AppwriteException: User (role: guests) missing scope (account)
 code: "401"

      at new AppwriteException ([redacted]\runner\node_modules\node-appwrite\dist\client.mjs:8:5)
      at [redacted]\runner\node_modules\node-appwrite\dist\client.mjs:278:13
Developing a Node.js CLI app with `node-appwrite` package. Error when calling `getAccount()`: "AppwriteException: User (role: guests) missing scope (account)". Solution: The error is due to a missing scope 'account' for the user role 'guests'. Add 'account' scope to the user role.

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