
Error 400 Invalid success param: URL host must be one of: localhost,,,

  • 0
  • React Native
  • Auth
Muhammad Abdullah Zahid
25 Dec, 2024, 13:27

Error 400 Invalid success param: URL host must be one of: localhost,,, *

Type: general_argument_invalid

getting this issue for react native app in build. I also created a web platform on it in which i passed * for domain but getting this issue on auth redirecting.

const redirectUri = Linking.createURL("/"); const response = await account.createOAuth2Token( OAuthProvider.Google, redirectUri );

Error 400 is due to an invalid success param in the URL host. The redirect URI must be one of the following: localhost,, For a custom domain, add it as a Platform in your project settings. In the React Native app, adjust the redirectURI to a valid host mentioned earlier.
Darshan Pandya
25 Dec, 2024, 13:27

Redirect uri should be either one of those mentioned. If you need to use a custom domain, add it as a Platform in your project.

Muhammad Abdullah Zahid
25 Dec, 2024, 13:32

I created platform but it's still not working

Darshan Pandya
25 Dec, 2024, 13:40

what url did you use?


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