Hey I'm using appwrite sdk for nodejs and while I'm trying to get sessions of user it's giving unauthorized role error can anyone help me in this?
As said in #👷│maintainers, it means you aren't logged in.
Also, what are you using, the SDK or Rest API?
Then don't use the REST API tag. It's not the same. What does your code look like?
I'm using sdk in rest apis
const authMiddleware = (client) => { console.log('hiiiiiiiiiiiii') return async (req, res, next) => { console.log(req); const sessionId = req.headers['session-id']; if (!sessionId) { return res.status(401).send('Unauthorized: No session ID provided'); } console.log(sessionId);
const users = new sdk.Account(client);
try {
// Check if the session exists for the user
const session = await users.getSession(sessionId);
if (!session || session.$id !== sessionId) {
return res.status(401).send('Unauthorized: Invalid session');
req.userId = session.userId;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Authorization Error:', error.message);
return res.status(401).send('Unauthorized: Invalid session');
}; this is my middleware function but when i am trying to get session it is giving error
and where does the user login?
there is another api of user login
in response i got session object from that object i am sending session id in headers in another api from postman
Are you sure that the middleware is getting the session-id header?
yes i am sending in header from postman and using debugger
const session = await users.getSession(sessionId); on this line i got error
Authorization Error: app.66fcf60100140e524d82@service.cloud.appwrite.io (role: applications) missing scope (account)
what does console.log(sessionId) say?
its returning sessionId that i've send through headers
Only think I can think of is that the session id isn't the actual session id, what I'd rather do is set the jwt from the session secret as a httponly cookie and use that jwt with account.get() instead
@D5 any idea?
I've doing without frontend i am hitting apis one after another so in another api to validate user we have to validate session also
For that I think that you need to use the server side SDK or api with a valid API key. Be careful with that as it can't be done client sice since the API key needs to be secured and not known by the client.
If you need to interact like an user server side, probably you can follow the SSR tutorial in order to handle auth server side: https://appwrite.io/docs/products/auth/server-side-rendering
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