Trying to add a sign out button, using Expo, trying to end the session but after MANY attempts, i am unable to do so, export const returnSessions = async () => { return account.listSessions(); } export async function signOut() { try { // Delete all sessions for the currently authenticated user await account.deleteSessions(); console.log('All user sessions deleted successfully.'); } catch (error) { console.error('Error deleting sessions:', error.message); } }
const logout = async () => {
setIsLoading(true); // Show a loading state
try {
await signOut(); // Attempt to sign out
setUser(null); // Clear the user state
setIsLogged(false); // Update the logged state
router.replace("../sign-in"); // Redirect to sign-in page
} catch (error) {
console.error('Logout failed:', error.message); // Log the error message
} finally {
setIsLoading(false); // Hide the loading state regardless of success or failure
this is what i have so far. can someone please help 😢
FYI, it's best to wrap code in backticks to format a bit nicer. You can use 1 backtick for inline code ( and 3 backticks for multiline code (
what do you mean you're "unable to do so"? What's happening?
export async function signOut() { try { const session = await account.deleteSession("current");
return session;
} catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } Try this way.. I think you used chat gpt. Which might give you wrong code
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