
Google Login Session Cookie Help

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  • Auth
  • Cloud
24 Sep, 2024, 13:54

can someone tell, after i use google login in server side i set the cookie and return the redirect response but in my middleware session is still undefined and it re redirects to /login and when i refresh the page the session is available in middleware how can i fix that ?

my middleware code for redirecting

const user = await getLoggedInUser()
const isLoginPage = req.nextUrl.pathname === "/login"
const isRegisterPage = req.nextUrl.pathname === "/register"

if (!user && !isLoginPage && !isRegisterPage) {  
  const url = req.nextUrl.clone()
  url.pathname = "/login"
  return NextResponse.redirect(url)


my /api/oauth which is success url for account.createOAuth2Token()

cookies().set(SESSION_COOKIE, session.secret, {
  path: "/",
  httpOnly: true,
  sameSite: "strict",
  secure: true,

const res = NextResponse.redirect("http://localhost:3000/home")

return res;


export async function getLoggedInUser() {
  try {
    const { account } = await createSessionClient()
    const user = await account.get()
    return user;
  } catch (err) {
    return null;
Developers are facing issues with Google login session cookies in middleware. The session is initially undefined and redirects to /login, but the session becomes available after a page refresh. The issue can be fixed by ensuring the proper handling of the user's login status and session within the middleware to prevent premature redirects.

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