
Python REST API no secret key returned in response

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  • Auth
12 Sep, 2024, 10:25

Why is the secret key returned as an empty string in the dictionary response sent by appwrite, but available through the cookie (see screenshot) in the request.Session() object when creating an email password session:

The dictionary response (empty secret key, used for setting session): {'$id': 'id', '$createdAt': '2024-09-12T10:15:06.843+00:00', '$updatedAt': '2024-09-12T10:15:06.996+00:00', 'userId': 'userid', 'expire': '2024-10-12T10:15:06.992+00:00', 'provider': 'email', 'providerUid': '', 'providerAccessToken': '', 'providerAccessTokenExpiry': '', 'providerRefreshToken': '', 'ip': '', 'osCode': '', 'osName': '', 'osVersion': '', 'clientType': 'library', 'clientCode': '', 'clientName': 'Python Requests', 'clientVersion': '2.32', 'clientEngine': '', 'clientEngineVersion': '', 'deviceName': '', 'deviceBrand': '', 'deviceModel': '', 'countryCode': '--', 'countryName': 'Unknown', 'current': True, 'factors': ['password'], 'secret': '', 'mfaUpdatedAt': ''}

Developers are confused about receiving an empty secret key in the dictionary response from Appwrite's create session with email and password, while still being able to access the secret key in the cookie. They suspect it's a bug. **Solution:** The secret key is only returned when an API key is attached. Make sure to attach an API key to receive the secret key in the response.
12 Sep, 2024, 10:33

also when I use the update session a secret key is being returned in the response dictionary

12 Sep, 2024, 10:34

My guess is this is a bug? That the secret key is being returned as an empty string on the create with email and password session, while being sent back and accessible in the cookie itself

12 Sep, 2024, 10:34

It only resturns a secret when an api key is attached

12 Sep, 2024, 10:35

but I get a secret key returned with the cookie and I dont use any API's as I have built a client auth for python with the REST API

12 Sep, 2024, 10:35

and as I mentioned you also get the secret key back on the update session method

12 Sep, 2024, 10:36
12 Sep, 2024, 10:40

hmm why do I get the secret key sent back by appwrite in the cookie then? see my screenshot above. Also if I'm not supposed to use the secret key to set the session, as I am working with client side here and therefore shouldn't use API keys. How do I implement an auto login process, where the email session gets stored locally and the on restart of the application used to authenticate the user again so they don't have to login again?


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