
Cors Error for Video Upload

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  • Web
  • Storage
  • Realtime
Yahya Hassan
7 Sep, 2024, 07:32

Whenever I try to upload videos to my storage, I get an error saying my origin has been blocked by CORS policy and it fails to upload my video.

It works 100% fine when I try to upload Images or files but when I try to upload video Cors error occur

I have added platforms for both localhost and * and tried * but it is not working for video upload.

I was able to upload video, files, images completely fine till day before yesterday. But when I Opened my code yesterday, out of nowhere it stopped working, also it let me upload the video a time or two when a added a new platform for vercel and uploaded a video from vercel app then started giving Cors Error for the same code and same platform.

Issue: CORS error occurring specifically for video uploads, even though images and files upload correctly. Previously working fine, but suddenly stopped working and started giving CORS error. Solution: Check CORS policy settings for video uploads, ensure platforms for localhost and * are added correctly. Consider any recent changes to the code that may have caused the issue, such as inadvertently changing CORS settings.

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