
Queries broke...

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23 Aug, 2024, 15:10

So I am using an query to search more affectively to the right places but the startswith query suddenly broke:

      throw new AppwriteException(data == null ? void 0 : data.message, response.status, data == null ? void 0 : data.type, data);    

AppwriteException: Invalid query: Query value is invalid for attribute "$createdAt"
    at (C:\vectra\Vectra-Back\node_modules\node-appwrite\dist\client.js:275:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async Databases.listDocuments (C:\vectra\Vectra-Back\node_modules\node-appwrite\dist\services\databases.js:1577:12)
    at async getOrdersChart (C:\vectra\Vectra-Back\lib\appwrite.js:259:16)
    at async handler (C:\vectra\Vectra-Back\routes\dashboard\stats.js:43:45) {
  code: 400,
  type: 'general_query_invalid',
  response: {
    message: 'Invalid query: Query value is invalid for attribute "$createdAt"',
    code: 400,
    type: 'general_query_invalid',
    version: '1.5.7'

I am on Version 1.5.7.

It happens at query: '{"method":"startsWith","attribute":"$createdAt","values":["2024-08-"]}',

Developers using a query for searching encountered a problem where the 'startsWith' query broke specifically at the point: `'{"method":"startsWith","attribute":"$createdAt","values":["2024-08-"]}',`. The error indicates "Invalid query: Query value is invalid for attribute "$createdAt"." This issue was encountered on version 1.5.7.

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