
Local dev setup for cloud functions - "appwrite run function" returns error: unknown command 'run'

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19 Aug, 2024, 21:17

i am using this like, as my guide of setting up my local dev for cloud functions. These are 2 issues being raised: "appwrite init functions" not working for me but "appwrite init function" works for me.

when running this command, "appwrite run function" I see this error on "error: unknown command 'run' " on terminal

Note: I have latest version of docker installed on my pc.

Any help ?

Thanks in advance.

The new version of the CLI might not be officially released; waiting for the full release of Appwrite 1.6.x is recommended. "appwrite init functions" may not work, try using "appwrite init function" instead. The error "unknown command 'run'" indicates an issue with the command. Make sure to check the documentation for updates and solutions.
19 Aug, 2024, 21:22

Local dev setup for cloud functions - "appwrite run function" returns error: unknown command 'run'

19 Aug, 2024, 21:23

I don't believe the new version of the CLI you're referencing is officially released. You might be able to use the 6.x release candidate but I wouldn't expect it to work perfectly. The best thing to do would be to wait for the full release of Appwrite 1.6.x


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