
Server-Side Sessions

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  • Auth
11 Aug, 2024, 20:52

Hey, We're doing some verification through creating sessions on the server-side, data is returned fine but I noticed the created sessions on the server-side can't be deleted with the #deleteSession method.

I did some reading into it and from what I understood AppWrite doesn't like handling sessions through SSR and all that is returned from the session creation promise is the data, just to double-check those sessions aren't persistent in ram, cache, etc., right?

And if it is persistent, then I have some worries about potential memory leaks, and I'd like to ask if there's any solution to deleting sessions created in SSR in the backend.

Thank you!

Issue: Server-side sessions cannot be deleted using the #deleteSession method in AppWrite, causing concerns about potential memory leaks. Solution: AppWrite does not handle sessions through server-side rendering (SSR) and will not store sessions created there persistently in RAM or cache. If there are worries about memory leaks, developers can rest assured that AppWrite does not retain these sessions.

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