
The getter 'data' isn't defined for the type 'Execution

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Arif Qayoom
19 Jul, 2024, 11:38

Getting The error "The getter 'data' isn't defined for the type 'Execution'. Try importing the library that defines 'data', correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'data'."

Issue: Developer is encountering the error "The getter 'data' isn't defined for the type 'Execution' in Flutter while accessing data from a function execution. Solution: The correct attribute to access data returned from the Function execution is `responseBody` instead of `data`, as per the SDK documentation. The `data` attribute is not present in the returned object.
19 Jul, 2024, 11:40

I'm not too familiar with Flutter, but the documentation shows that the returned object doesn't have a data attribute

Arif Qayoom
19 Jul, 2024, 11:44

but I how can I resolve it

19 Jul, 2024, 11:46

The link I sent shows the properties on the object returned from the SDK, there is no data property but it looks like you might be looking for responseBody instead? What exactly are you trying to achieve?

Arif Qayoom
19 Jul, 2024, 11:48

I am trying to create a function that scrabs website data using Python but I am now on flutter & this error shows up

19 Jul, 2024, 11:48

So you're trying to get the data returned from the Function?

19 Jul, 2024, 11:57

If you're trying to access the data returned from the Function execution, then it's likely you'll want to use responseBody instead of data


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