Back is not a main domain. Skipping SSL certificate generation.

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12 Jul, 2024, 15:11

Is there a reason why certs aren't created for non-main domains? Functions would be a lot more powerful if certificates were automatically requested. Is there a way to change this behaviour?

Subdomains like are not generating SSL certificates automatically for developer domains unless they are specifically added to the function domain environment (_APP_DOMAIN_FUNCTIONS). Certificates will not be created if nginx or Cloudflare is involved. To manually generate SSL for a specific domain, use 'docker exec appwrite ssl domainNameHere'. This behavior could be changed if desired.
12 Jul, 2024, 15:37
  1. if the domaom is added to function domain env (_APP_DOMAIN_FUNCTIONS) those domains will have ssl generated, unless there nginx ir cloudflare involved in front
  2. you could do - docker exec appwrite ssl domainNameHere
12 Jul, 2024, 15:44

In my deployment currently the function domain is the same as the main domain. I'd like to automatically get certs for the generated function domains like is that something that should be working?


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