I have a file like that. When i update it to storage its fail. Can someone help please? {"name": "AtaTest", "size": 2844756, "type": "video/quicktime", "uri": "file:///Users/denizataes/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/114450E6-D259-4034-B16D-D6AB24039C52/data/Containers/Data/Application/8C8156EC-4007-43D7-8254-0292D132E096/Library/Caches/ExponentExperienceData/@anonymous/daeapp-80cb5de5-d4e6-46e3-a291-fcd46581cfb5/ImagePicker/32910734-EE49-45A1-9A87-02781DC5AFB6.mov"}
Whats the error?
the extension is added as mov
and the file also has the same extension, that should work.
is there a problem with .mov extension type files?
not really, i just uploaded a file via console, it uploaded fine.
this error also comes .jpg files for me
not sure if this is correct, let me check the docs.
asset = {"name": "AtaTest", "size": 2844756, "type": "video/quicktime", "uri": "file:///Users/denizataes/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/114450E6-D259-4034-B16D-D6AB24039C52/data/Containers/Data/Application/8C8156EC-4007-43D7-8254-0292D132E096/Library/Caches/ExponentExperienceData/@anonymous/daeapp-80cb5de5-d4e6-46e3-a291-fcd46581cfb5/ImagePicker/1D48494B-ECE4-404F-8294-4DEB8F240BB9.mov"}
select Flutter to see the example.
you seem to be adding an object where the InputFile is expected.
im coding with react native
i think its supposed to be object?
ohh my bad. i thought this was flutter as you tagged flutter and apple.
I can't see the react native tag 😦
i see that the params are correct for the file. there's a good chance the docs aren't updated for storage x react native.
i have no exp. on react native so just gonna have to wait until a react wizard joins in here.
ok, thank you 🙏🏻
I haven't used React Native in a few years but could the filename need to include the extension? It looks like the filename you're passing is undefined so it's falling back to the string you provide, which doesn't include any extension, not sure if that could be the issue?
thanks for the answer, I'll try it right away
yes 🙂 It's not working because of filename, thank you @Ryan
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