
Duplicate entry in array issue

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Web
  • Cloud
16 Jun, 2024, 12:04

I have an array in a collection. Although I believe a new string should be inserted into the array only once (as I have coded in the client side), it is being inserted twice sometimes. Indeed, when I try to update the array (from cloud console) by removing the duplicate item, the "Update" button still remains inactive (disabled).

However, when I remove both the duplicated items, the "Update" button becomes active.

Please someone help in this regard! Thanks 🙂

Developers are facing an issue where a new string is sometimes inserted twice into an array in a collection despite client-side coding preventing duplicates. When trying to remove the duplicate entry from the array via the cloud console, the "Update" button remains inactive, but becomes active when both duplicates are removed.

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