
Project ID not found

  • 0
  • Auth
13 Jun, 2024, 03:16

I am getting this error while trying to use auth in appwrite: Project with the requested ID could not be found. Please check the value of the X-Appwrite-Project header to ensure the correct project ID is being used.

My code:

`export class AuthService { client = new Client(); account;

constructor() {
    this.account = new Account(this.client);


async createAccount({ email, password, name }) {
    try {
        const userAccount = await this.account.create(ID.unique(), email, password, name);
        if (userAccount) {
            return this.login({ email, password });
        } else {
            return userAccount;
    } catch (error) {
        throw error;

async login({ email, password }) {
    try {
        return await this.account.createEmailSession(email, password);
    } catch (error) {
        throw error;

async getCurrentUser() {
    try {
        return await this.account.get();
    } catch (error) {
        console.log("Appwrite serive :: getCurrentUser :: error", error);

    return null;

async logout() {

    try {
        await this.account.deleteSessions();
    } catch (error) {
        console.log("Appwrite serive :: logout :: error", error);


const authService = new AuthService();

export default authService`

I am doing const userData = await authService.createAccount(data) in another file to create account. Please forgive me if it is some trivial error as I am a newbie, also please dont delete this if it breaks any rule.

Error message: Project with the requested ID could not be found. Ensure the correct Project ID is used in the X-Appwrite-Project header when using auth in your appwrite project. Code issue correction: In the constructor of your `AuthService` class, pass the `conf.appwriteProjectId` when setting the project for the newly created Client instance. This should resolve the error.

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