
Functions return different JSON after update?

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  • Self Hosted
  • Flutter
  • Functions
23 Apr, 2024, 13:17

Hello everyone, i updated my appwrite backend from the version 1.3.8 to the version 1.4.14. Its works good except the json i return from my functions. After the updated the functions returning a whole new json data. Her is an example:

Here is the Json from the 1.4.14: {"payload":"{weeks:[{year:2024,kw:16}]}","data":{"0":{"year":2024,"kw"......

Here is the Json from the 1.3.8: {"payload":"{weeks:[{year:2024,kw:16}]}","data":[{"year":2024,"kw".....

You can see after "data" there is no "[" and a "0"?????

i have no idee why this is different because i didn't changed something.

I also updated every function with this document:

For my frontend app this makes it unusable.

Thanks for all replies πŸ™‚

Issue: Functions return different JSON after update; Developers discuss the code and note potential issues with nested functions and object declarations that could affect the JSON output. One developer provides a helpful code snippet for a solution.
23 Apr, 2024, 14:59

Hi there. When developing feature for Appwrite 1.5, I saw similar weird behaviour. It comes from the way how deletion occurs in array_diff function of Appwrite APIs programming language.

This could be bug on API side. Can you please explain how this response is generated? It is probably forwarding data of some appwrite SDK response.

29 Apr, 2024, 06:38
29 Apr, 2024, 06:39

Hi there, thank you for your replie. Sorry that I answer so late :/. There is really a response. I create a document an send it to the database. I do this in a for loop to do this with multiple data

29 Apr, 2024, 06:40

i hope this will help you πŸ™‚

29 Apr, 2024, 06:45

calenderWeeks is delcared like this. maybe here i will get an error because of the declaration:

List<CalendarWeek> calendarWeeks = (listOfWeeks as Iterable) .map((e) => CalendarWeek(e['year'] ?? 0, e['kw'] ?? 0)) .toList();

29 Apr, 2024, 17:52

can you share more of the payload?

29 Apr, 2024, 17:52

this isn't coming out of realtime, is it?

29 Apr, 2024, 17:53

oh wait...this is your function code? why are you calling a function from in a function? 🧐

30 Apr, 2024, 05:59

no this is coming out of a buffer πŸ₯²

30 Apr, 2024, 06:00

this is the code above:


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