
Run appwrite behind nginx

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  • Self Hosted
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15 Apr, 2024, 13:54

Hi there, I am trying to setup appwrite (self-hosted) and other stuff like meilisearch behind nginx. I want to setup appwrite such that is it reachable through the path example-ip/appwrite . I have the problem, that appwrite will always ignore the /appwrite path and tries to use its paths directly after the domain/host name, which leads to errors because these paths are handled by nginx. Is there a way to configure nginx or appwrite to use the /appwrite path first or does appwrite require to be the root path?

Developers want to run appwrite behind nginx with the `/appwrite` path but appwrite ignores it. You can fix this by setting the `APPWRITE_SERVER_REQUESTS_PATH` environment variable to `/appwrite` in the appwrite configuration.

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