
Passing auth to desktop app

  • 0
  • Auth
  • Web
  • Cloud
29 Mar, 2024, 12:28

Hi! I got a website as well as a desktop app. The user can log in exclusively using oAuth. This poses the problem that I can't just show a login form in the local app. Instead my plan was to have the app open up the website, have the website handle the auth and pass back the token to the app. However since AppWrite handles sessions using cookies that I have no access to, it's pretty much impossible to do it that way. Is there any good way to solve this?

Developers want to pass auth from website to desktop app but face issues due to expiring tokens. Suggested solution is to use JWT for handling authentication. By implementing JWT, developers can securely manage user sessions between website and desktop app without relying on cookies.
29 Mar, 2024, 22:37

Might be worth tryin w/ JWT -

30 Mar, 2024, 10:34

I would, but they expire after 15 minutes, so it wouldn't survive for long


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