
I have deleted my Function Yet it still running

  • 0
  • Functions
  • Cloud
12 Mar, 2024, 04:39

hello, can any one please disable my function, i have deleted it and its still runing i was actually trying new stuff out with appwrite i have even restarted my phone just to make sure i stop the notification for comming it yet, it still persist.

can you please disable it

Developers are experiencing issues with a function in their collection that continues to run even after being deleted. They are seeking help to completely wipe off all data in the collection and disable the function. The solution is to reach out to the appwrite support team for assistance in permanently disabling the function.
12 Mar, 2024, 04:40

okay, i have disable function from setting but how come i deleted the function, it still keep runing????

12 Mar, 2024, 04:50

Now i cant delete data on this collection....

12 Mar, 2024, 04:55

are there way to wipe off all the data in a collection??


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