
Is it possible to update user name and other details from a SvelteKit?

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5 Feb, 2024, 01:32

Hi, is it possible to update user name and other details from a SvelteKit? I see no server options available for SvelteKit in this documentation.

It there any way to do it? or should I use a separate backend like Laravel maybe and create a REST API in there?

Message 1: Yes, it is possible to update user name and other details from SvelteKit. Although SvelteKit does not have server options mentioned in the documentation, you can use a separate backend like Laravel to create a REST API for this purpose. Message 2: SvelteKit itself does not provide server options for updating user details, but you can integrate it with a backend like Laravel to create a REST API for this functionality. Solution: You can create a separate backend using Laravel or any other API framework, and then integrate it with your SvelteKit application to handle user updates.

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