Hi, I seem to be running into an issue with my code here.
I have a database with 580 entries and i'm currently trying to list those entries. However when I try to make the call to the server. I get an error as shown in the title.
Tools: NextJS, Appwrite
client script: https://hastebin.com/share/nufebidini.javascript Server script: https://hastebin.com/share/cipivijavu.javascript
@xmaniaxz I'm a little confused as to exactly which line you're getting this error on
Can you share the stack trace for this error please? That might help clarify exactly what is causing this error
Ive seen a similar ticket but that one never got resolved hence why i opened my own
@xmaniaxz are you sure this is the right client side code that you have shared?
Are you using any components here that contain a form?
I am sure this is the correct code. the error start when i try to fetch my data from the database Line 44
im not using any other form
I'm investigating in the SDK
thanks. If there is anything ya need.
@xmaniaxz what version of Node.js are you using?
i believe its 14.0.4
sorry its "node": "^21.2.0",
I have a found a similar issue in the Next.js repo where an outdated version of Node.js caused a similar error https://github.com/vercel/next.js/pull/57191
This does seem to be a Next.js/Node.js issue from what I understand
@Meldiron @Dennis Ivy have you come across this issue in the past?
Ill take a look at it
I have taken a look at this and it tells about node <= 18. I am on version 21
Answer to my question:
This had to do with the fact that i did not have Node-Appwrite in my next.config.js file.
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
experimental: {
serverComponentsExternalPackages: ['node-appwrite'],
module.exports = nextConfig
Ah alright! 😮 That's actually really good to know
@xmaniaxz did that solve your issue?
It did yes!
Alright 👍
[SOLVED] Uncaught (in promise) Error: e._formData.get is not a function
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