
Can I find by Query if string array on server contains another array?

  • 0
  • Android
  • Databases
15 Dec, 2023, 16:44

I have a question with filters development. I have a lot of options (string objects) that user can assign to the object and these options are typical, so I can store them in Array or JSON. But there is a problem with filters: when user picks some options which he/she wants to have, my android app puts it into string array or Json (doesn't matter) and sends the request to find which objects have this list of options. In this case, is it possible to find a match between sent array and array of object with use of Query? If so, which way?

The user is asking if it is possible to use a query to find if a string array on the server contains another array. Unfortunately, queries on arrays are not supported yet. However, there is a related issue on GitHub that addresses this topic. In order to make it easier for others to search for similar problems, it is recommended to use a descriptive title when posting in the support channel.
15 Dec, 2023, 16:47

Please try to use a descriptive title so that:

  1. readers have a quick preview of what's wrong
  2. others can search if they're facing the same problem

It's a given you need help if you're posting in <#1072905050399191082>

15 Dec, 2023, 16:50

Can I find by Query if string array on server contains another array?

15 Dec, 2023, 16:51

I renamed the title😁

15 Dec, 2023, 16:52

in short, queries on arrays are not supported yet. related issue:

15 Dec, 2023, 16:58

can you explain more about your "options"?


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