
[SOLVED] SDK is creating data in the Database collection but returning the error, general_unknown

  • 1
  • Databases
  • Android
  • Cloud
Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 11:28

Hey, i Am facing an error in the database where authorised users are unable to perform any action, it just simply returns the error, the user is not authorised but on the console I can clearly see that the user is authorised. My application has a public profile where when a user signs up, a public profile is created, in the collection it is created but on the app it is returning an error that says server error, To be precise server error, code 500 version 0.11.46

Issue: Users are unable to perform actions in the app due to an "user unauthorized" error, even though the user is authorized in the console. The app creates a public profile in the database collection, but returns a "general_unknown" error. Solution: The issue may be related to permissions. Check if the related collections can be read by the user or all authenticated users. Make sure to assign roles properly. Clearing the browser cache or deleting existing sessions in the cloud console may also help. Additionally, try creating a dummy collection and test reading from it.
Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 11:35

And I have one collection which is open for all to read but still on that screen it is showing user unauthorised

14 Dec, 2023, 12:09

Have you tried clearing the apps data and deleting any existing session on cloud console and trying it again. Also are the permissions document-level or collection-level?

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 12:19

Collection level read any and user create, and document level restricted to user itself with user's id

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 12:20

Tried everything

14 Dec, 2023, 13:22

Same thing is happening with me, till 3-4 days earlier my code for saving new users was working but doesn't work now gives

  type: 'general_unknown',
  response: {
    message: 'Server Error',
    code: 500,
    type: 'general_unknown',
    version: '0.11.46'
Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 13:36

Even when a collection is read to any it still showing error unauthorised

14 Dec, 2023, 13:50

Other devs (web) have encounted the same issue and solved it by clearing the browser cache. It seemed to have been a session cache bug

14 Dec, 2023, 13:52

nvm I got what I did wrong, it was the cache thing but to see if its something else I rewrote and messed up my queries, Thanks for repsonses 🙏

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 13:58

But I am facing it on Android, i deleted the complete app and reinstalled it still facing the issue

14 Dec, 2023, 14:00

Did you also delete the session via the account's session tab in appwrite console

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 14:00

I'll try that

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 14:09

Showing this message

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 14:13

I assigned everyone to read but only user specific to update delete

14 Dec, 2023, 14:23

So is it throwing the error on update or during read?

14 Dec, 2023, 14:23

Also could you try creating a dummy collection and try to read from it?

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 15:17

During read

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 15:17

I have a collection which is open for all still it is showing user unauthorised

14 Dec, 2023, 15:24

This is a head scratcher for sure 🤔

14 Dec, 2023, 17:15

what's your project ID?

Also, do you have relationships on this collection?

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 17:16

Yes I do have few relationships with collection

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 17:20

Okay thanks @Steven, I got what I did wrong, Thanks for the response 🌟

14 Dec, 2023, 17:21

Would you please share so others can learn as well?

Gaurav Solanki
14 Dec, 2023, 17:27

Okay sure,   So when a user signs up, On the app, the application creates a public profile and writes the data in the collection, but the public profile has relationships with other collections, and there weren't any roles assigned to it.So if anyone is using relationships, make sure related collections can be read by that particular user or all authenticated users(based on your requirement)

14 Dec, 2023, 17:28

[SOLVED] SDK is creating data in the Database collection but returning the error, general_unknown


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