
[SOLVED] Sign in with Apple, "Sign Up Not Completed"

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10 Dec, 2023, 16:42

I have tried to change "Bundle id" in Apple Auth settings to "<TEAM_ID>.<BUNDLE_ID>" as suggested. But still not working 😦

User was having trouble with "Sign in with Apple" feature and received an error message saying "Sign Up Not Completed." They realized they had mixed up a name on the Apple Developer pages. The solution involved creating a new key under "Keys," entering the App ID in the "Identifier" section, adding a new "Service ID," and properly configuring it. The user also encountered issues with missing parameters in the URL, but it was resolved by including the state parameter. The user continued to troubleshoot and tried different approaches, but the problem persisted. The thread ends with the user expressing frustration and uncertainty about the issue.
10 Dec, 2023, 16:43

When I click "Use a different Apple ID", it opens a apple page that says "invalid_client"

10 Dec, 2023, 17:55

When I put <bundle_id> in bundle id section in Apple Auth options, It shows "invalid_request"

10 Dec, 2023, 17:56

Still seems like there's some misconfiguration between Appwrite and Apple 😕

10 Dec, 2023, 17:57

I have revoked the apple sign in key and generate new one. But still same

10 Dec, 2023, 17:57

Maybe there's an extra space somewhere.

10 Dec, 2023, 17:57

So what you put as the service id in apple is what's in the bundle id in Appwrite, right?

10 Dec, 2023, 17:59

Yes, When i tried put the service id in bundle id section in the Appwrite, it gives me invalid_client

10 Dec, 2023, 18:00

You can look at the 2 photos I shared

10 Dec, 2023, 18:05

I have double checked everything, there is no extra space

10 Dec, 2023, 18:07

I will try again tomorrow, maybe the problem is on the Apple side

10 Dec, 2023, 18:09

You can try browsing to https://[host]/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/apple? project=[project id] on a desktop browser to see if there is some additional information in the browser network logs

10 Dec, 2023, 18:29

I am getting 301 for this request, all remaining are have status 200

10 Dec, 2023, 18:31

When I delete "<team_id>." from "<team_id>.<bundle_id>", it gives me 400

10 Dec, 2023, 18:31

301 is expected. Anything else in the URL? Any other redirects?

10 Dec, 2023, 18:32<TEAM_ID>.<BUNDLE_ID>&redirect_uri=https://<HOST>/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/apple/<PROJECT_ID>&state={"success":"https:<HOST>authoauth2success","failure":"https:<HOST>authoauth2failure"}&response_type=code&response_mode=form_post&scope=name%20email

this is my url

10 Dec, 2023, 18:32

What returns 400? Appwrite or apple?

10 Dec, 2023, 18:35<BUNDLE_ID>&redirect_uri=https://<HOST>/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/apple/<PROJECT_ID>&state={"success":"https://<HOST>/auth/oauth2/success","failure":"https://<HOST>/auth/oauth2/failure"}&response_type=code&response_mode=form_post&scope=name%20email

when I send this URL (only "<TEAM_ID>." removed") I get this:

10 Dec, 2023, 18:36

What's the page show?

10 Dec, 2023, 18:37

When I dont send state parameter in the url like this:<BUNDLE_ID>&redirect_uri=https://<HOST>/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/apple/<PROJECT_ID>&response_type=code&response_mode=form_post&scope=name%20email

I get invaid_request with all 200

10 Dec, 2023, 18:37

Nothing, empty black page

10 Dec, 2023, 19:55

Oh this is missing an equal after client id

10 Dec, 2023, 19:56

I solved the problem, I got one name mixed up because the Apple Developer pages are very similar. Here are the necessary things for Apple sign in:

  • Create a new key under "Keys"
  • Enter the App ID of the app in the "Identifier" section, authorize Apple Sign In and configure it.
  • Add a new "Service ID" in the "Identifier" section and fill in the relevant sections. (I missed this, I thought it was enough to authorize the App ID and configure it there, my mistake)

Thanks @Steven, sorry for taking your time, my bad.

10 Dec, 2023, 19:57

[SOLVED] Sign in with Apple, "Sign Up Not Completed"

10 Dec, 2023, 20:00

Ya apple is very confusing. I'm glad you got it working!


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