
Problem with the Email verification

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20 Nov, 2023, 13:24
There is a problem with email verification for a project login. The issue seems to be caused by Angular hash routing which destroys the link. The user wants to allow the selection of images from the user's device for each contact in a CRUD application. There is a suggestion to configure roles in the project and a link to a similar issue on Stack Overflow. It is advised to try making the session on the client-side to resolve the issue.
20 Nov, 2023, 13:31

yes i only use client side. i do it in angular with

20 Nov, 2023, 15:25

i think i need configure the roles and in my project?

Anas Siddiqui
20 Nov, 2023, 15:42

Hello do you help me with one thing i am building a crud application and i am facing a problem that when the user creates a new contact so with every contact i have set a default photo so when the user clicks on the image so i want that the user can select image from his device right so do you help me with this means if there are 10 contacts right so the user can change the image of any contact so do you help me with this?

20 Nov, 2023, 19:03

Please create a new post for different questions


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