
[SOLVED] get user details

  • 1
  • Users
  • Accounts
  • Web
27 Oct, 2023, 05:59

fairly new to appwrite, I have users logged through social auth, I want to display their name and email, in the profile page after they login.. need help please.

User wants to display the username of users who log in with social login on their app. Solution: Use the `account.get()` function to get the user's info and validate their login. Check the Appwrite documentation for more details.
27 Oct, 2023, 08:22
27 Oct, 2023, 08:24

Also, you can use our AI assistant, really handy! πŸ‘€

For e.g I used it and it showed me the sample code πŸ™‚

27 Oct, 2023, 13:41

Okay, Thank you, I'll try it and revert back in case of any doubts.. πŸ™

30 Oct, 2023, 07:51

Were you able to solve it?

12 Nov, 2023, 19:35

Hi, I apologize for the late reply! I was trying to figure it out... The thing is I am, logging in users with social login(google) and I jusrt to get theri username to display...

12 Nov, 2023, 19:37

I am using appwrite web

12 Nov, 2023, 22:19

Assuming the session is working correctly, you can use account.get() to get info about the user (and validate they are logged in)

17 Nov, 2023, 05:37

Thank you, I got it, It's working.

17 Nov, 2023, 13:28

[SOLVED] get user details


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