
Rate limits and successful account logins

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9 Sep, 2023, 17:20

Why are successful logins counted towards the rate limits? E.g. when using account.createEmailSession() and successful login, why is the rate limit increased in this case? Shouldn't rate limits be conditional for the login endpoints?

The user inquires about rate limits and successful account logins. They question if there is a plan to introduce an API for manipulating rate limits. They find it unusual for the rate limits to increase when there are successful logins. They suggest that rate limits should be conditional for login endpoints. A suggested solution is to follow the provided link for more information.
9 Sep, 2023, 20:36

It's still unusual behavior to try and log in multiple times

9 Sep, 2023, 20:42

Is there a plan to introduce API (server) for manipulating the rate limits?

9 Sep, 2023, 20:49

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