Just installed appwrite-cli and this is what i get
PS C:\Users\Arman Fatah\Desktop\projects\appwrite> npm install -g appwrite-cli
added 76 packages in 12s PS C:\Users\Arman Fatah\Desktop\projects\appwrite> appwrite --version C:\nvm\v18.17.1\node_modules\appwrite-cli\lib\commands\assistant.js:13 const assistant = new Command("assistant").description(commandDescriptions['assistant']).configureHelp({ ^
TypeError: (intermediate value).description(...).configureHelp is not a function at Object.<anonymous> (C:\nvm\v18.17.1\node_modules\appwrite-cli\lib\commands\assistant.js:13:90) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1256:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1310:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1119:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:960:12) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1143:19) at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:121:18) at Object.<anonymous> (C:\nvm\v18.17.1\node_modules\appwrite-cli\index.js:18:23) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1256:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1310:10)
Node.js v18.17.1 PS C:\Users\Arman Fatah\Desktop\projects\appwrite>
Appwrite CLI not working, just installed it
This is a known issue, and from my understanding it will be fixed in appwrite-cli 3.0.1
This is bad a lot of bugs 😩
Yea, fortunately it seems that all the issues in the 1.4.2 release milestone has been closed, so hopefully it will be shipped soon(possibly along 3.0.1). Just guessing though.
So i should not use appwrite in this stage for my new Application I think its not ready yet it should have been in beta still , maybe after a couple of months , we will see ...
That's up to you. I'm using appwrite for my new application. The CLI bug is recent and is a result of the 1.4.x major update. So when fixed, i think appwrite is definitely still production ready.
I really wanted to go away from firebase but every time i come to Appwrite I face a lot of errors bugs and then go back to firebase , even some query still not available in appwrite
I also switched from firebase. In my opinion something like the appwrite console is more intuitive than the firebase console. With firebase there's a ton of extra cloud configuration not contained within the console. I have limited experience with appwrite, but so far i think it works well. (Except from this update👀)
I like appwrite , firebase is close system thats why i want to go for Appwrite but the bugs errors and lack of clear documentation for self hosting functions etc ... make it hard for now .
It's so easy for them to make a video for each feature in Appwrite. It wouldn't take that much time, and it would be incredibly helpful. For instance, topics like self-hosting and creating functions in various ways should be covered. They should specify methods for cloud hosting and differentiate them from self-hosting methods. A simple channel with helpful videos updated regularly would make a significant difference
Thats true, i also had a lot of trouble getting the workflow of self-hosted setup. I managed to create a bunch of scripts that make function deployment and dev/test environment setup much easier, but it took a lot of time and support tickets to get there. With firebase, all that was build in
maybe you can use appwrite 1.3.8, and appwrite-cli 2.0.2. It works properly in my project. i will not move on to appwrite 1.4 until its environtment works proper
@armanhadi Updates 1.4.2 and CLI 4.0.0 released today
Thanks for letting me know
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