
I/flutter (24343): AppwriteException: general_argument_invalid, Invalid url

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  • Flutter
5 Sep, 2023, 08:46

but what is url. i have not eny url to past

Issue: AppwriteException: general_argument_invalid, Invalid url Solution: Make sure to use 3 backticks for multiline code. Additional tips: - To modify email templates, update to version 1.4 (Cloud is not yet on 1.4). - To change icon and text in received mail, refer to the relevant documentation. - To get userId and secret from a URL, set the redirect URL in `createMagicURLSession` and use `updateMagicURLSession` on the page the user hits after clicking the link. - Check the `GoRouter` configuration and implementation for any errors or missing routes.
5 Sep, 2023, 08:47

print(res.secret); - empty string

5 Sep, 2023, 08:48

Anyway, updateMagicURLSession should be called on the page the user hits when clicking the link, not directly after calling createMagicURLSession - you don’t have the secret here yet

5 Sep, 2023, 08:49

I’m not much into mobile dev, but I believe you should be able to create a “deeplink” which hits a specific page with your app?

5 Sep, 2023, 08:49

buy if user hit to link he get some page with your Magic url login flow is missing a propper riderect URL. Please check the Magic URL docs and send request for new session with a valid redirect URl

5 Sep, 2023, 08:49

Not sure how query parameters would be handled with that

5 Sep, 2023, 08:50

Because you haven’t set a redirect URL - you need to pass one in createMagicURLSession as the url parameter

5 Sep, 2023, 08:51

yes. but how i can to know what url it is must be? i have no my domain or some like that

5 Sep, 2023, 08:51

i use appwrite cloud

5 Sep, 2023, 08:53

i get this lisnk. and it give your Magic url login flow is missing a propper riderect URL. Please check the Magic URL docs and send request for new session with a valid redirect URl

5 Sep, 2023, 08:54

My understanding here is that you’ll have to create a deeplink to a component in your app that can handle the completion of the login process

5 Sep, 2023, 08:54

As I’ve said, I don’t really know mobile dev - you might want to wait for someone who does and might have a better solution here.

5 Sep, 2023, 08:58

thank you

5 Sep, 2023, 22:01

ideclon is correct. You must implement deep linking. There are resources online regarding deep linking. For example:

7 Sep, 2023, 08:43

`<intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/> <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/> </intent-filter> <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true" tools:targetApi="m"> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

                android:pathPrefix="/auth/magic-url" />
7 Sep, 2023, 08:44

`final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(routes: [ GoRoute( path: "/", builder: ((context, state) => const MainAuthScreen()), ), GoRoute( name: "/auth/magic-url", path: "/profile", builder: ((context, state) => const ProfileScreen()), ),


7 Sep, 2023, 08:59

can you show your complete GoRoute config and implementation?

7 Sep, 2023, 09:01

` MaterialApp.router( builder: (context, child) { return ScrollConfiguration( behavior: MyBehavior(), child: child!, ); }, debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, title: 'Iskra', theme: MaterialThemeData().materialThemeData, routerConfig: _router, ), ); }, ); } }

final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(routes: [ GoRoute( path: "/", builder: ((context, state) => const MainAuthScreen()), ), GoRoute( name: "/auth/magic-url", path: "/profile", builder: ((context, state) => const ProfileScreen()), ), ]);

7 Sep, 2023, 09:10

You’ve set your path for handling magic link session on path: /profile. Try using /auth/magic-url as path.

7 Sep, 2023, 09:27

Thank you Sir!!!

7 Sep, 2023, 09:46

Great! Can this thread be marked [Solved] then?

7 Sep, 2023, 10:12

yes, sure. Do you know, how i can change icon and text in recived mail? and How i can get userId and secret form this url?

7 Sep, 2023, 10:21

v1.4 allowes you to modify email templates, but Cloud is not on 1.4 yet.

7 Sep, 2023, 17:46

make sure to use 3 backticks for multiline code like:


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