
[SOLVED] "Connection refused" - Cant connect Windows app with Appwrite

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  • Flutter
2 Sep, 2023, 15:23

I'm learning how to use appwrite and wanted to create a windows application which uses appwrite.

The appwrite server is self hosted locally and I have sucessfully used the auth functions on an Android emulator. I'm using Flutter and Dart to create a Windows version of the app, but I'm unable to actually connect to the appwrite instance.

The following is the endpoint that I'm using (which I'm guessing is the issue):


Can someone help with this?

User is unable to connect a Windows app to Appwrite, receiving a "Connection refused" error. The solution is to add the Windows platform to the application in the Appwrite console and use the correct endpoint, such as "http://localhost:99/v1" when self-hosting. Upgrading the Appwrite version may also help resolve the issue.
2 Sep, 2023, 15:31

You're hosting your appwrite instance locally in your computer, I guess?

2 Sep, 2023, 15:32

If so, instead of localhost, you will need to set your computer's local IP address

2 Sep, 2023, 16:57

@D5 Yep doing that but still facing the same isse.

2 Sep, 2023, 16:58

Out of all the adapters listed I'm using the "Wireless LAN adapter Wifi"

Should I use another one as I tried all of them and it didn't work.

2 Sep, 2023, 16:59

The first one is the connection string that I'm using.

2 Sep, 2023, 20:38

@safian_haq What's your appwrite version?

2 Sep, 2023, 20:44

Also, do you can access your appwrite instance by running localhost in your browser or the IP?

3 Sep, 2023, 18:08

Can access the appwrite instance by using localhost in my browser. Also can access appwrite from Android using the IP address.

I had 1.3.8, just upgraded to 1.4.1 today, will share if the issue still persists.

3 Sep, 2023, 18:14

Then you can use localhost

3 Sep, 2023, 18:15

But you need to add it as flutter app in the console

3 Sep, 2023, 18:21

Can you please explain this a little bit or share a link?

8 Sep, 2023, 14:01

Ok turns out, I had not added my Windows platform to application.


Thanks for the help @Steven and @D5

8 Sep, 2023, 14:13

I see. Great!

8 Sep, 2023, 14:13

[SOLVED] "Connection refused" - Cant connect Windows app with Appwrite

8 Sep, 2023, 14:19

Also for anyone who faces the "semaphore timeout error" in Windows double check your client.endPoint. When self hosting the following address worked for me: "http://localhost:99/v1"


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