this is in the Appwrite container
same thing
what is this you're showing?
would you please DM me the output of docker compose exec appwrite vars
thats my env vars
yeah getting it now
you said you upgraded or this was a clean install?
Upgrade. Been in production for a while
hmm you might need to wait for 1.4.2 which will have this:
You think it's an issue with cli?
no but that PR has a lot of other updates to the migration
Ah okay
i update to 1.4.2, and still getting the 500 error.
_APP_VCS_GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY is set as a string with \n
and i can see it in the docker compose exec appwrite vars
please create a new post instead of posting in an old thread
I am also getting the same error after the upgrade
put this into a script and run it:
if (openssl_pkey_get_private(getenv("_APP_VCS_GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY")) === false) {
echo "Invalid Private Key\n";
} else {
echo "Valid Private Key\n";
docker compose exec appwrite php -r "$CODE"
Every time i run this (even after regenning and reformatting my key) it gives me Invalid private key. when i run vars on the container, it is there and is right. i dont understand what I am doing wrong
you're generating the key from github, right? can you DM me what's in your .env file?
yes, and I will in 1 sec, testing a new key
I think i figured it out
It's working now. It was just a lot of me being dense
I was adding the \n and double quotes, but not actually removing the line returns
it works now. thank you
[SOLVED] Unable to connect to github
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