
Google Auth not Working

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25 Aug, 2023, 15:57

I'm trying to login a User using google auth after setting up everything in the google cloud console still the user that doesn't exist in the appwrite gets redirect to the dashboard page instead of signup page below is the code.

`import { Client, Account, ID } from "appwrite"; import config from "../conf/config"; const client = new Client(); const account = new Account(client);


export class authService{

    try {
        account.createOAuth2Session('google','http://localhost:3000/dashboard', 'http://localhost:3000/signup')
    } catch (error) {
        return false


const authServices = new authService(); export default authServices;`

`"use client" import authServices from "../../authentication/auth"; import styles from "./styles.module.css"; import { useState } from "react" import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";

const Login = () => {

const googleAuth = (e) => {
    try {
    } catch (error) {


return (
    <div className={styles.Login}
        <h3>Login Using Google</h3>
        <button onClick={(e) => googleAuth(e)}>Google Login</button>


export default Login;`

Previous session was causing the issue. Trying in a new private window resolved it. Google login is still not working, but GitHub login is successful. Appwrite project URL and project ID are needed to troubleshoot. Google authentication redirects to the dashboard instead of the signup page when using an email address that doesn't exist in Appwrite. There may be an issue with creating the user. Solution: Make sure the correct project and URL are used. Check the code for any errors or missing configurations.
25 Aug, 2023, 16:56

Btw, it's best to use 3 back ticks with multi-line code. See

25 Aug, 2023, 16:58

That's weird...if they're redirected to the success url, the user should have been created. Are you sure you're looking at the right project?

25 Aug, 2023, 17:39

Yup I tried a few times but even after signing in with a new email id everytime which doesn't exist in the appwrite it gets logged in where am I making the mistake 😔

25 Aug, 2023, 18:06

What's the Appwrite URL and project id in your code? Please share a screenshot of the Appwrite console auth page including the URL

26 Aug, 2023, 03:58

APPWRITE_URL = PROJECT_ID = 64e343b9a0abb92ce533

and the appwrite console auth page means the google 0auth settings screenshot ?

26 Aug, 2023, 04:38

No the page that shows users in your Appwrite project

26 Aug, 2023, 04:50
26 Aug, 2023, 04:53

I tried github login as well it gets succesfully logged in but I cannot see any user that exist in the appwrite auth with the same email id that was used to sign in to github or google

26 Aug, 2023, 04:55

take a look at this also

26 Aug, 2023, 05:32

okay so the github login is working and I can see the user in the appwrite db but the google is still not working

26 Aug, 2023, 05:42

Okay so I tried in a new private window on my browser and it somehow worked don't know where was the error but it eventually worked thanks for replying @Steven :appwriteparty: :appwriterocket:

26 Aug, 2023, 05:52

Ah you might have had a previous session that was getting reused


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