I've got a function that I want to run when a new user is created, but I've noticed that it does not execute.
I'm self hosted, version 1.3.8.
This is the event I'm using. users.*.create
Users are signing in/being created via oauth with Spotify.
Any insight on what I might be doing wrong would be helpful! Thanks!
This event is not triggered in OAuth2 signup
Only in the createAccount
Ah bummer, I figured that was the case! Is there any way to trigger a function on Oauth?
It doesn't seems like any event is being fired in using the oauth2
Maybe it's good to have a feature request for this
Thanks for looking at this for me :)
[SOLVED] Run function on user create
@Kenny Make sure to 👍 this issue https://github.com/appwrite/appwrite/issues/2406
Will do! Thanks for pointing it out!
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