but wasn't sure if it was something that was interesting or
as mentioned in the issue there are technical limitations to having a string attribute of unlimited length...so use a big number
how big does it go?
I was trying to find the max size for it, google didn't help though I didn' search the appwrite docs that well
hey do you guys want an AI bot that can answer questions for you on Discord?
I feel like if you indexed your documentation and put it inside something like Danswer you could have it try to answer questions ahead of time and you just approve the answer if it's easy
I already have it indexed, I can host it if you'd like
right but do I need to go into the DB directly and add this value?
As you can see, even TEXT in MariaDB has some limitations regarding length. If you want to be extra safe, I would recommend LONGTEXT by setting size to 16777216. That will under the hood create A LONGTEXTTEXT column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GB ( 2^32 - 1 ) characters..
thanks for the suggestion
if you link the endpoints to a simple discord bot instead it would probably be the easiest thing to do
I can do it if you'd like next week, let me know if you are interested
no...set a big size
yeah I tried that I'm confused though because before if I had too many attributes with like 6000-12000 it would have given me an error about size
that's why I was asking like that
maybe it was in the old version I was using
womp. no discord data source and the github data source only pulls in PRs
so try a big number now and let me know how that goes
what's attribute_limit_exceeded
I assume that means I need a new database?
ohhh I gotta make it bigger
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