
Benefit of Appwrite Cloud over Self hosted

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  • Cloud
16 Jul, 2023, 19:05
What are the distinctive differences between the cloud version and self-hosted version?
The main advantage of using Appwrite Cloud over self-hosting is that Appwrite Cloud is fully managed by the Appwrite team. This means you don't have to worry about taking care of databases, SMTP, SMS, and other infrastructure components. With Appwrite Cloud, you have a worry-free experience and don't need to handle DevOps tasks like scaling, backup, or understanding the underlying infrastructure. The self-hosted version requires planning, coding, and managing all the DevOps aspects yourself. The database is migratable from self-hosted to the cloud version. The Appwrite Cloud is currently in the beta phase.
16 Jul, 2023, 19:06

@Binyamin is typing

16 Jul, 2023, 19:06

Seems you were waiting for the question?

16 Jul, 2023, 19:09

The main and most important different is managed vs none.

Meaning when you're using Appwrite in cloud version you have a worrying-free experience.

No need to take care of:

  • Databases including Redis and InfluxDB
  • SMTP
  • SMS
  • etc.

But those are not the real advantage of using the cloud. the real advantage is that you'll never need to worry about the infrastrcture of the project.

You'll never need to scale-up, down, backup and even understand how all of these logic is working - is best to know for your own, but not for your products.

So the main different would be:

  • Self-hosted Appwrite you'll need to plan, write your code and take care of all the DevOps in your production server.
  • Appwrite Cloud, you need just to plan and write the code, all the rest will be take care by Appwrite for you.
16 Jul, 2023, 19:11


Bet currently de klerk version is not using recent version

16 Jul, 2023, 19:12

Yes, that's because Appwrite cloud is still in the beta phase.

16 Jul, 2023, 19:15

ok, that means I may still be needing to use appwrite cloud in future since it's fully managed by the team.

but will database be migratable later

16 Jul, 2023, 19:15

From what I read it will be easy to migrate to the cloud from a self-hosted one.

16 Jul, 2023, 19:17

What about away if need be?

16 Jul, 2023, 19:17


16 Jul, 2023, 20:25

Migrate database in appwrite cloud to another hosting service

16 Jul, 2023, 20:29

Ohh like outside of Appwrite?

18 Jul, 2023, 04:54

Okay, @Binyamin

I appreciate, because why I asked was to be sure of the best, ranging from app security and best speed, since am not use to docker that much and server security.

I guess appwrite cloud would be plugging in one of the best security service to servers running on appwrite cloud accounts.


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