
How to determine if a user has set a password for their account?

  • 1
  • Accounts
  • Web
13 Jul, 2023, 07:56

Since most of my users log in using MagicUrl, I also hope that users can set a password after logging in so that they can log in with it in exceptional circumstances. Now, I want to check if the user has already set their password to determine whether to use the updatePassword or createRecovery and updateRecovery methods to set their password. How to check?

To determine if a user has set a password for their account, you can look at the `passwordUpdate` attribute on the User. If the attribute is null or empty, it means the user has not set a password. In this case, you can use the `createRecovery` and `updateRecovery` methods to set a password. Otherwise, if the attribute is not null or empty, you can use the `updatePassword` method even if the user doesn't have a password yet. Simply pass anything for the password parameter. For more information, refer to the links provided: - Updating password: <https://app
13 Jul, 2023, 07:58

Supplement: The user has already logged in.

13 Jul, 2023, 16:26

determine whether to use the updatePassword or createRecovery and updateRecovery methods

You should be able to use updatePassword even if they don't have a password. you can pass anything for the password param.


I want to check if the user has already set their password

Try looking at the passwordUpdate attribute on the User.



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