
[Solved] Adding custom domain in digital ocean through console not available - Digital Ocean

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3 Jul, 2023, 12:38

I tried to setup domain (with subdomain) and ssl certs in our server. Lets say domain is i put it in _APP_DOMAIN and _APP_DOMAIN_TARGET everything (A, AAAA) is setup in digital ocean domains settings, domain points to droplet ip - routing is correct

But when going through "create domain" process in appwrite i'm hitting wall in Add a CNAME Record step - verification fails as well.

Im not able to setup given CNAME record because you cant setup CNAME to a ip in digital ocean domains controll panel (and this is what appwrite shows in value field.

I want my overall subodmain setup to look like this: api.{domain} adminpanel.{domain} app.{domain}

Summary: The user was trying to add a custom domain in Digital Ocean through the console for Appwrite but was facing difficulties. They wanted their subdomain setup to have api.{domain}, adminpanel.{domain}, app.{domain}. A solution was provided to update the domain environment variables in the .env file instead of creating a custom domain in the Appwrite console. Solution: Update the domain environment variables in the .env file instead of creating a custom domain in the Appwrite console.
3 Jul, 2023, 15:30

You want all those domains to point to Appwrite?

3 Jul, 2023, 16:44

no, only api.{domain} I started with appwrite and stuck with this setup

3 Jul, 2023, 22:05

Then you only need to update the domain environment variables in your .env file. You should not be creating a custom domain in the Appwrite console

6 Jul, 2023, 14:19

Got it, thanks

6 Jul, 2023, 14:20

[Solved] Adding custom domain in digital ocean through console not available - Digital Ocean


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