
Create team membership without invitation

  • 0
  • Teams
  • Flutter
12 Jun, 2023, 23:42

Hello, I'm new to appwrite. I'm searching for a way to assign teams to users without sending invitation code. Unfortunately didn't find anything , isn't there a proper way to do this?

The user wants to know how to create team membership without sending an email invitation. They mention that using the Server side SDK, there is no email sent to the user and the user is added to the team automatically. The user provides an example project on GitHub and asks if there is a proper way to assign teams to users without sending an invitation code. Solution: It is possible to do this with a server SDK and API key in an Appwrite Function. The user can ignore the 'url' parameter in the server side by setting it to any URL. They can refer to the provided example project on GitHub for implementation details.
13 Jun, 2023, 01:23

You can do this with a server SDK and API key in an Appwrite Function

14 Jun, 2023, 15:39

In my project you can see a example of how implement it

18 Aug, 2023, 10:10

How can we do so? I only find calls to create a team membership via email invitation and update the status with the secret string sent by mail. Am I missing something?

18 Aug, 2023, 13:11

When using the same method with the Server side SDK then no email will be send to the user and the user will be add to the team automatically.

You can ignore url parameter in the server side by setting to any url


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