
Node.js to appwrite setups

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8 Jun, 2023, 09:15

~/geoip2$ node index.js AppwriteException [Error]: Project with the requested ID could not be found. Please check the value of the X-Appwrite-Project header to ensure the correct project ID is being used. at (/home/runner/geoip2/node_modules/node-appwrite/lib/client.js:172:31) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async Users.create (/home/runner/geoip2/node_modules/node-appwrite/lib/services/users.js:86:16) { code: 404, type: 'project_not_found', response: { message: 'Project with the requested ID could not be found. Please check the value of the X-Appwrite-Project header to ensure the correct project ID is being used.', code: 404, type: 'project_not_found', version: '0.10.30' } } Some help... complaining of project ID yet its clearly configured. Does making configuration in appwrite cloud instead of appwrite result into issues when runnning the code on the server?

The user is experiencing an error where the project ID cannot be found when running Node.js with Appwrite. They have already checked the project ID and confirmed it is correct. They are wondering if configuring the project in Appwrite cloud instead of locally could cause issues. Solution: It's unlikely that configuring the project in Appwrite cloud instead of locally would cause this error. Double-check the project ID and ensure it matches in the code. If the issue persists, reach out to Appwrite support for further assistance.
8 Jun, 2023, 10:52

Error msg say everythings X-Appwrite-Project

8 Jun, 2023, 10:53

Check this value on your code, and check that it match your project id

8 Jun, 2023, 14:07

many thanxs

8 Jun, 2023, 14:07

let me check..

8 Jun, 2023, 14:28

FYI, it's best to wrap code-like content in backticks to format a bit nicer. You can use 1 backtick for inline code ( and 3 backticks for multiline code (


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