
Function not deploying

  • 1
  • Functions
24 May, 2023, 04:20

Hey I made a python cron function that's just adding values to collection, but when I deploy it, I get this error

import json
import pandas as pd
from appwrite.client import Client
from import Database

def init_client():
    # Initialize the Appwrite client
    client = Client()

    return client

def main():

    client = init_client()
    database = Database(client)

    database.create_document("646a552f4564180c1531", {
        'company_name': "Utopia",
        'job_title': "Software Engineer",
        'about_company': "Utopia is a software company that builds software for the future",
        'location': "Remote",
        'skills_required': "Python, Java, C++",
        'job_responsibilities': "Build software for the future",
        'job_requirements': "Must have 5 years of experience",
        'logo': ""
    }, read=['*'])

if __name__ == "__main__":

The user is experiencing issues with deploying a Python function for Appwrite. They are following a repository that may not be updated, and the function structure does not align with the Appwrite documentation. The user also has a cron function that is adding values to a collection, but they encounter an error when deploying it. Solution: 1. Use the Appwrite CLI to initialize and deploy the starter python function. 2. Ensure that the function structure aligns with the Appwrite documentation. 3. Check if the repository being followed is updated or not. 4. For the cron function, make sure that the API key and project ID are correctly
24 May, 2023, 04:48

This doesn't look like the right structure for an Appwrite Function. Make sure to follow the docs:

24 May, 2023, 05:39
24 May, 2023, 05:48

also, according to the docs, is it necessary to return a res, cause I just want this function to directly update values in the collection?

24 May, 2023, 06:08

Am I doing something wrong, even this is not deploying😫


def main(req, res):
  payload = req.payload or 'No payload provided. Add custom data when executing function.'

  secretKey = req.variables.get(
    'SECRET_KEY variable not found. You can set it in Function settings.'

  randomNumber = random.random()

  # trigger = req.variables['APPWRITE_FUNCTION_TRIGGER']

  return res.json({
    'message': 'Hello from Appwrite!',
    'payload': payload,
    'secretKey': secretKey,
    'Number': 123,
24 May, 2023, 07:06

That repo is archived

24 May, 2023, 07:07

I highly recommend using the Appwrite CLI to initialize and deploy the starter python function. Then, you can tweak it accordingly


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