
[CLOSED] query by document ids flutter

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Flutter
  • Cloud
11 May, 2023, 00:02

I want to query by a list of Document Ids queries: [Query.equal('\$id', ids)],

ids is List<String>

but I get the following error: AppwriteException: general_unknown, Server Error (500) using appwrite cloud

Title: [CLOSED] Flutter app: Error querying documents by IDs in Appwrite Solution: The issue has been closed on the GitHub repository. It appears that the error was caused by an empty `ids` list being used in the query. One possible solution suggested was to print out the `ids` before the query. Additionally, the project ID was requested for further assistance with the issue.
11 May, 2023, 00:08

That should work...can you share your project id?

11 May, 2023, 00:13

Can you print out ids before the query?

11 May, 2023, 00:16

ok thanks the ids was empty

11 May, 2023, 00:17

Ah ya. Ideally, Appwrite should handle that better...would you be able to create an issue for that?

11 May, 2023, 00:26
19 May, 2023, 11:22

[CLOSED] query by document ids flutter


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