And docker logs appwrite
See what error shows there
but if i dont choose unique then its working fine why?
should i run this in terminal ? docker logs appwrite-worker-databases
Thanks @Binyamin its working fine, but there is one problem
AppwriteException: document_already_exists, Document with the requested ID already exists. (409)
That's good
Then you should tell the user the that attributes is already exists
if i loged in with different account and want to create same record for that user in that is also giving me error that what i was talking previously.
hope this time you got my point, apologies if i have not explain it properly
Got it
You want it to be unique per user?
Good. Then delete the newly added index.
Then, create a new one and add both attributes to the index
- user ID
- the attribute
thanks, as of now i am not storing the user id to any attribute
So how you know which document to which?
you might be amaze as i am segregating the users data by permission
That's fine
But in your case I guess you'll need to add another field to be able to have a unique index that it's based on two attributes
ok, i got your point thanks for your time,
Thanks, this is working
using Appwrite DB or an external database like MariaDB which is better
Appwrite databse is indeed MariaDB If you want and your project grows it might be better to decentraliz the MariaDB into a separate node or a managed one.
You can read a lot about it
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