Can I restrict access to appwrite Console? Because my website uses "" to fetch Data. And I Don't want my visitors to go to the Console and Bruteforce Me.
Is there a way , Only a Certain IP can access console while Others can access appwrite API?
For now there is no blocking console access by IP or any other way.
You can see here for more deatils about a workaround closing the console access
Do notice that the login route is not within the /console/
So the attacker may be able to bruteforce your password (unlikely as there many protection for that in the code) they still won't be able to access the console it self
I'm checking it now
What is the Difference between &
It gos like this
- - All your public apis
- - Appwrite Admin backoffice
- - The main entry point which includes few general use routes - This also must be public
"" So If i Come to this Url then I can see the Login console but If I block "" I can't login. Thats what you are saying right?
I mean they can login if they have the password But, after the login when they should be redirect then they will get block by Cloudflare zero
Got it. Thanks.
And One more thing @Binyamin
For Upgrading from 1.2.1 to 1.3.1, Can i just change the appwrite:1.2.1 to appwrite:1.3.1. in Docker Compose.yaml file? Will it be Upgraded
No, Upgrading is pretty easy (Just make sure to backup your data before).
You can follow the details here
I'm Using Kubernetes, So I can't run the Migrate Command
I need to update each container individually
My bast advice for you would be to create a temporary server with a regular docker-compose file,
Then remove the MariaDB service. Adjust the .env
fields to point to your MariaDB server.
Then run the migrate command
After that you'll be able to change all the images version to 1.3.1.
It's a tricky situation, And it may don't go that easy in the first-try.
@Binyamin , How can I check the Upgrade was successful?
I'm not aware of direct way to achieve this Go over most comman tasks and check that they work.
Got It Thanks
What If I migrate Locally on my PC and Use MysqlDump to copy data from local to Server? Then It should work right
@Binyamin can you check the question above?
Yes, but you can lose any data inserted in the meantime
Got it<:appwritepeepo:902865250427215882>
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