
Network request failed in the production

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21 Apr, 2023, 09:14

On the localhost development server, it works perfectly but when I push the code production it shows the Network request failed error whenever I try to signup or try login

Title: Network request failed in production; potential CORS issue Messages: - User says they created a file for maintaining DB, Collection IDs, and endpoints - User asks if two files are auto-generated when installing Appwrite - User suggests sharing full browser console logs for troubleshooting - User found the issue with their environment variables and fixed it - User mentions that the issue occurs when running the app in a compiled state - User asks for the output of a specific command to debug the issue - User says they have the same error - User points out that the error occurs during login or signup - User is asked to share
21 Apr, 2023, 12:03

Maybe the error is CORS?

21 Apr, 2023, 12:03

Can you share the error

21 Apr, 2023, 15:14

Hi @Ashraf_Chowdury , byawitz is right, without seeing error it is difficult to debug, can you please share?

21 Apr, 2023, 19:09

This error popups when try to login or signup

8 May, 2023, 09:17

I have the same error

8 May, 2023, 13:54

Can you share the output of

docker compose logs appwrite

(run this command in the same folder you have docker-compose.yml file

8 May, 2023, 14:00

I am not sure, if this is related but I just noticed that in flutter app, when you run app in debug everything works, but when compile it not working....

8 May, 2023, 14:06

The server logs will help to debug that problem

8 May, 2023, 14:07

yaa just checking...

8 May, 2023, 14:13

found the issue πŸ˜† , such a dumb I am

8 May, 2023, 14:14

I had two env, and prod env was empty... but dev wasn't

8 May, 2023, 15:42

If you're still having troubles, please create a separate post and share your full browser console logs

8 May, 2023, 18:53

Are the two files auto-generated when installing Appwrite? Because I only have the .env file

8 May, 2023, 18:54

no no, this file is just I created to maintain DB, Collection Ids and endpoints


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